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WikiBrain includes a Web API that exposes simplified, developer-friendly versions of WikiBrain functions. As of September 2015, this API is in active development supported by the WikiMedia Foundation under the WikiBrainTools IEG.


Public endpoint:

  • For languages: en, de, pt, es, fr, it, ja, no.

Within Wikimedia Labs: http://wikibrain0.eqiad.wmflabs:8080

  • At the moment, this endpoint is down as Shilad figures out how to partition languages.
  • For languages: en, de, pt, es, fr, it, ja, no.
  • Interested in other languages? Email Shilad at

Structure of API requests:

All requests use simple URLs with query parameters: http://endpoint/method?param1=val1&param2=val2....

Common request query parameters include:

  • Language: For example, lang=en.
  • Single entities: Requests related to single entities must contain exactly one of the following parameters:
    • title: The URL-encoded title of a Wikipedia article. For example, title=Wikimedia%20Foundation.
    • articleId: The id of the article. For example, articleId=18618509.
    • conceptId: The id of the associated Wikidata concept. For example, conceptId=180 represents the Wikimedia Foundation.
    • phrase: The URL encoded textual phrase. For example, phrase=The%20Wikimedia%20Foundation. Note that this parameter cannot be used when the entity must be an article.
  • Multiple entities: Requests about multiple entities contain plural versions of the above query parameters with an s added to the parameter name. Entities are separted by an or-bar (|). For example, articleIds=18618509|5043734.

Structure of API responses:

API responses are formatted in JSON and encoded using UTF-8. Every JSON response includes two keys:

  • success: A boolean of true or false indicating whether the API call succeeded.
  • message: If the call does not succeed (success if false), message will contain an error message. Otherwise, it will contain contain the empty string.
  • diagnostics: Shows the cpuTime and userTime required to complete the call. In the future this may be used to rate limit clients.

JSON representation of articles share a common format containing “articleId”, “lang”, and “title” keys (as well as additional keys relevant to the particular API call). For example:

{ "lang":"simple", "articleId":19903, "title":"Spider" }

API Calls


Returns the languages editions available through the endpoint.

Input parameters:

  • None

Output parameters:

  • languages: A list of language codes that correspond to the languages available through the endpoint.




Returns the most related articles for a particular article or phrase. Relatedness is defined using a semantic relatedness algorithm that is based on Hecht et al’s AtlasifySR+E.

Input parameters:

  • A single entity (see definition above)
  • n: An optional parameter specifying the number of results that should be returned.

Output format:

  • results: a list of articles ordered most to least related. Each article’s JSON object includes a score attribute that indicates the relatedness score, between 0.0 and 1.0.




Returns the relatedness score between two articles or phrases. Relatedness is defined using a semantic relatedness algorithm that is based on Hecht et al’s AtlasifySR+E.

Input parameters:

  • Two entities (see definition above)

Output format:

  • entity1: The first requested entity.
  • entity2: The second requested entity.
  • score: A relatedness score between 0.0 and 1.0.

Example: blues




Identifies Wikipedia articles mentioned in a passage of free text. Algorithm is based on Noraset et al.’s WebSail Wikfier

Input parameters:

  • lang: Language code of input text and output articles.
  • text: URL-encoded free text that should be mined for article mentions.

Output parameters:

  • text: The input text, unchanged.
  • references: A list of articles mentioned in the text. Each mention is an article JSON that also includes “index”, which specifies the offset in characters for the mention, and “text” which is the substring in the text corresponding to the mention.


    "text":"Wikipedia is a free-access, free-content Internet encyclopedia, supported and hosted by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation.",
    "references": [
        {"title":"Free content","text":"free-content","index":28,"lang":"simple","articleId":129718},
        {"title":"Non-profit organization","text":"non-profit","index":92,"lang":"simple","articleId":83609},
        {"title":"Wikimedia Foundation","text":"Wikimedia Foundation","index":103,"lang":"simple","articleId":224356}


Returns the pageRank of a particular article. The pageRank represents the “importance” in the link graph for a particular page. The sum of page ranks for all articles in a particular language equals 1.0.

Input parameters:

  • A single input article (specified as an entity, described above).

Output parameters:

  • article: The specified input article.
  • pageRank: The fraction of total language edition pageRank the page accounts for. For example, the call shown below indicates that the “United States” article in the Simple Wikipedia represents about 2.0% of the total page rank in the language.


    "article":{"title":"United States","lang":"simple","articleId":219587}


Given a target category and a set of candidate categories, returns all pages that are closer to the target than other candidates. Closer is defined as distance upwards in the category graph. Note: This is computationally intensive. Please use it with care and cache results.

Input parameters:

  • lang: Language of categories
  • targetCategoryTitle OR targetCategoryId: The “target” category we want to find closest pages for.
  • categoryTitles OR categoryIds: (Optional) The “top-level” candidates to consider as alternates to the target category. Pages closer to the target than these candidates are returned. The target most be contained in these candidate. If not specified, “top-level” categories for the language are used.
  • A list of entities (in the multiple-entity format specified above): (Optional) If specified, only these articles are considered. Defaults to all articles in the langauge edition.
  • weighted: (Optional) Whether distance in the category graph should weight edges by the page rank of a category. If true, weight by pageRank to penalize broad categories more heavily. If false, each edge has weight 1.0. Defaults to true.

Output parameters:

  • category: The specified target category.
  • distances: A list of articles closer to the target category than other candidates, sorted by distance to the target. Each article’s JSON entry includes a distance field.


        {"distance":0.0,"title":"Applied science","lang":"simple","articleId":402104},
        {"distance":0.0,"title":"Scientific law","lang":"simple","articleId":171228},


Given an article, returns the distance to each of a set of categories in in the category graph. Distance is measured as the shortest upwards path in the category graph from the page to each top-level category.

Input parameters:

  • An article in the single-entity format specified above: The article for which distances should be measured.
  • categoryTitles OR categoryIds: (Optional) The “top-level” candidates to consider as alternates to the target category. Pages closer to the target than these candidates are returned. The target most be contained in these candidate. If not specified, “top-level” categories for the language are used.
  • weighted: (Optional) Whether distance in the category graph should weight edges by the page rank of a category. If true, weight by pageRank to penalize broad categories more heavily. If false, each edge has weight 1.0. Defaults to true.

Output parameters:

  • category: The specified target category.
  • distances: A list of articles closer to the target category than other candidates, sorted by distance to the target. Each article’s JSON entry includes a distance field.


        {"distance":1.095675386326904,"title":"Category:Everyday life","lang":"simple","articleId":5865}