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Importing data

The Graphical Loader offers the easiest way to import data. However, WikiBrain supports much more sophisticated importing configurations.


You can launch the graphical loader by double-clicking the wikibrain-withdeps jarfile, or by running the org.wikibrain.GuiLoader class. After running the class, you’ll see the loader program:


You can customize basic features of the loading process using the graphical loader. Be aware that the loader writes a configuration file named customized.conf that you’ll need to use when running your java programs (i.e. -c customized.conf).

Customized loading setups

You can achieve more customized loader setups by running the Loader program directly. You can do this your IDE’s run dialog, or by downloading and installing the script described in the Installation page.

WikiBrain’s Loader class manages the downloading, parsing, and import of Wikipedia datasets published by the Wikimedia foundation.

Most commonly, Loader is run without any arguments except a language. This downloads, parses and imports the latest database files for the Simple English langauge edition of Wikipedia into an embedded h2 database:

org.wikibrain.Loader -l simple

Each step in the WikiBrain loading process is called a stage. By default a set of core stages are loaded (articles, links, lucene search index), but others are not (wikidata, spatial). You can specify the stages you want loaded, such as wikidata using the -s option:

org.wikibrain.Loader -l simple -s wikidata

You may also want to configure how the stages you select are run. For example, you can specify that each stage should incorporate a custom override configuration file:

org.wikibrain.Loader -l simple -s wikidata -c custom.conf

These features are explained in more detail below.

Stage selection

WikiBrain’s import pipeline is divided into stages, listed in the table below. If you don’t tell WikiBrain to load specific stages, the stages marked on = Y are run. The concepts stage is also run by default if more than one language is installed.

on stage dependsOn description
Y fetchlinks nothing Downloads a list of available data files in the requested languages.
Y download fetchlinks Downloads any new data files in the requested languages.
Y dumploader download Loads articles and raw pages from the dump files.
Y redirects dumploader Loads redirect mapping.
Y wikitext redirects Loads links and categories.
Y lucene wikitext Builds lucene full-text search indexes.
Y phrases wikitext Builds and loads phrase to page disambiguation mappings.
? concepts redirects Builds and loads mapping from language-specific articles to universal concepts.
N universal concepts, wikitext Builds “universal” links.
N wikidata concepts Downloads and loads wikidata facts for the requested languages.
N spatial wikidata Installs geospatial data.
N sr wikitext, phrases, lucene Builds semantic relatedness models.

You can run a specific stage using the -s flag. For example, the following command builds the semantic relatedness (SR) model and prepares it for use.

org.wikibrain.Loader -s sr

You can specify multiple stages using multiple -s arguments:

org.wikibrain.Loader -s sr -s spatial

If you ask WikiBrain to run a stage (e.g. sr), it checks to see if the stages it depends on (in this case, wikitext, phrases, lucene) have been run. If necessary it runs them, and any further transitive dependencies. You can disable checking to see if a stage is run, and rerun all necessary stages by using the -d dependency (for drop).

Configuring stages

You can configure the global settings for all stages by passing any “standard” WikiBrain argument. If any of these options exist, they will be passed along to all stages.

 -c,--conf                  configuration file
 -h,--threads               the maximum number of threads that should be
 -l,--languages             the set of languages to process, separated by
                            commas or 'LOADED'
    --base-dir              the base directory used to resolve relative
    --tmp-dir               the temporary directory

In addition, you can pass stage-specific arguments via the -s flag. For example the following command runs the phrase stage (turns it on), and passes the argument -p stanford to it to tell it to load the Stanford concept analyzer.

org.wikibrain.Loader -s "phrases:on:-p stanford"

More details

Each WikiBrain stage corresponds to a Java class with a main() method that can be run as a standalone Java program. For example, the wikitext stages coresponds to org.wikibrain.loader.WikiTextLoader. You can find the full definition of stages at the end of the reference.conf.